Seint Yamone Htoo

Biography of the director

Seint Yamone Htoo was born in Yangon in 1991 and graduated with a maths major before studying the violin at the National University of Arts and Culture. She subsequently worked as a reporter for CNB News (Mandalay) and a video journalist for the Up To Date online channel for almost five years before joining YFS in 2018. During her studies at the School, she has worked on a number of collaborative projects, including the animated documentary Riding Through the Waves. Made entirely from textiles, the film describes the protagonist’s memories of peaceful co-existence between people of different religions and ethnicities in his home town in the Ayeyarwaddy delta. Seint Yamone Htoo has also co-directed a short fictional film Midtown Yangon which features a non-professional cast. Kachin Reporter for which she received a Goethe-Institut Myanmar documentary award, was her first documentary as a director. She is currently working on her graduation film with the working title The Village by the Sea.

Filmography of the director






